Thursday, May 23, 2013

Day 085 - Warrensburg to Pittsville MO

Temps were in the 50's on another cool, comfortable day under an overcast sky. I did not have to deal with a strong headwind today. 

Shortly after I started I walked past a masonry, landscaping, fireplace & building materials business that had an impressive assortment of materials on display outdoors. 

Next I came upon the fuselage of a plane sitting on the side of the road. It had twin jet engines close to the fuselage.  I passed the Shamrock Farm which was an interesting building. 

The highway went right alongside the University of Central Missouri (UCM) Skyhaven Airport. UCM is located in Warrensburg and they are know as the Mules.  The highway goes along Crest Ridge near the airport. At some points you could see thru the trees for miles and miles across the valley to the north. 

Trivia question:

How long do I typically spend walking each day?

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