Temps were in the 40's and low 50's on a sunny day with a 10 - 15 mph headwind.
I was getting an oatmeal at the McDonald's in Marshall, Illinois prior to placing my car at the finish for the days walk. Hi-99 the Wabash Valley Country FM station was doing a show in the McDonald's. One of the crew recognized me from the TV coverage. They interviewed me live.
With two newspaper articles and two TV interviews in the past couple days a number of people recognized me during the day. I posted all four in the Media Coverage section of the blog.
The woman where I parked my car had seen me on TV. A number of passing cars honked and waved including the crew in the Hi-99 van. They yelled encouragement to me an hour after their interview when I was back in Indiana near the beginning of the days walk.
Three persons tracked me down as I was walking. A gentleman gave me a Powerade sports drink. A woman gave me money for lunch and a second woman gave me a vey generous donation for OCRF. A gentleman bought me a bowl of really good vegetable soup in Bishop's Cafe
I toured the National Road Welcome Center at Harlan Hall built in 1872 in Marshall. It was unmanned and is undergoing remodeling. The US 40 picture of buildings in downtown Marshall looks just like it did in 1983 with the biggest change being the not surprising change of ownership of many of the buildings.
Trivia question
I am new to my smart phone and am learning new features every day. It automatically corrected for daylight savings time back in March.
Do you think it was smart enough to change to Central Time automatically when I walked across the Indiana / Illinois border?
I don't think your phone was smart enough to figure out that you'd crossed into the central time zone until you turned it off and turned it back on again!