The day was overcast with temps in the 30's. The visibility was unlimited which allowed for me to take in views in all directions that photographs would not do justice. I was traveling thru the Green Ridge State Forest and only saw two commercial establishments. Both were gas stations.
The Allegheny Mountains are a series of ridges that run north and south. Since I am traveling west I am climbing and descending each ridge. Today I crossed Sideling Hill, Town Hill and Green Ridge Mountain.
Traversing Sideling Hill I traveled on an impressive very long switchback. Town Hill was the highest peak of the day at 1680 feet. From the top of the hill you could Maryland, West Virginia and Pennsylvania. The final ridge of the day was Green Ridge Mountain at 1240 feet.
The carillon at the United Methodist Church of Piney Plains played a very long and enjoyable Sunday morning concert as I walked by.
The top of the hill views sound amazing !!!